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Corporate financing, of acquisitions and Middle Market

We are one of the top financial entities thanks to our experience in corporate finance organization, acquisitions and Middle Market, with demonstrated experience as Bookrunner y Mandated Lead Arranger , and with the capacity to create new structures that suit each customer's needs, situation and sector.

Furthermore, this certifies our presence in the main operations that have taken place on the Spanish market in recent years, and some of the most representative in Europe.

1. Corporate financing

We are the leading entity in the structuring and management of syndicated operations and club deals for the financing of development and expansion plans, purchases of assets and debt restructuring.

We contribute our experience, knowledge of the market situation and speed of transaction arrangement and execution. Moreover, we have a syndication unit that distributes these operations in the market, to both national and international entities.

2. Acquisition financing

Unit specialized in designing and managing operations for financing both national and international company buyouts.

Our experience enables us to perform operations of any kind, including the financing of takeover bids or the acquisition of investments in quoted companies ( margin loans ).

3. Leverage

We are specialized in the segment of the Middle Market, where we can help speed up decision-making, delivery and a wide knowledge of the majority of the companies involved in trasactions ( targets ), something that clearly sets us apart.

Our excellent relations with the rest of the financial entities operating in the spanish market means that we can take on financial commitments and later distribute these in the market.

4. Middle Market

Our broad presence in the Middle Market is the reason we have unit specialized in corporate financing and in acquisitions for SMEs. .
Proximity and customer care requirements, closely coordinated with your usual contact person, coupled with our experience, enables us to offer financing structures adapted to the needs of the client and the market.

5. International financing

Unit specialized in the financing of operations outside the Spanish market ( cross border ), for the development of business in other countries and the acquisition of companies or assets. .

Our experience in this type of operations is mainly focussed in Europe and North America. We have closed transactions in the UK, France, Italy and the United States, amongst other countries.

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